The Existence of the Soul
I made an earlier post on the blog about a book I was reading - Soul Prints by Marc Gafni. I finally finished reading the book yesterday and would definitely read it again.
Spirituality is one of my favorite subjects. I love to research different paths and religions, taking out bits and pieces from each one that resonate within me; wisdom that resonates within my soul. Which brings me to another thought - the soul.
Several months ago, I was studying Buddhism, specifically Zen Buddhism. From all the things I had read while studying Buddhism, I came to the conclusion that Buddhism doesn't believe in the existence of the soul. There is the thought, "What is mind?" There is the question, "From where do my thoughts come from?" I do not know the answer as I have not attained enlightenment, but my instinct would have always been to respond, "My thoughts, my feelings, they all come from my soul; my soul is who I really am."
As of late, I have been studying Judaism, which is actually how I found the book Soul Prints, by Marc Gafni. I was at the public library, thumbing through the shelves for something Jewish, and I saw the book, read the back cover, and found that it was written by a Rabbi. One of the things that 'led me' in the way of Judaism, (which is my heritage), was reading a book by an observant Jew who is also a Buddhist teacher. It's funny how sometimes on the journey of life, you take different paths, which lead to different streets, which then lead to different ideas. I usually believe that everything, well, most things, happen for a reason, and in retrospect, I can see how different choices set up different frameworks, if you will, for different discoveries - kind of like a building. And, the building that I am constructing is my own personal belief system. Some of the bricks are made of Buddhism, some of the landscaping is taken from earth-based paths, and some of the ornate design is now being taken from my ancestral path - Judaism. But, I digress. I question how I can utilize two different belief systems, one eastern, one western, two belief systems who have two opposing views on the existence of the soul.
As I am sure you can probably tell by now, I am quite the thinker. I tend to ask questions that don't necessarily have any 'correct' answer, and that need to and can be answered by only one person - that person being me. It would seem that one of humanity's basic needs, is to find purpose in this thing called life; a driving force or creed to make oneself feel fulfilled and complete. Does that need come from a soul? Does it come from the mind? Or does it come from the collective unconscious? Does that need even exist at all? Is there a soul? Is there a mind? Or are we just monkeys in some kid's science experiment, on another planet, in another galaxy? I came up with a saying when I was a typical Gen-X Angst 18 year old back in 1994:
I now understand that reality in its truest form, is only but a figment of my imagination.
I think I was pretty Zen even back then.
Oh, and to refer back to the beginning paragraph of this poorly structured writing, the book was awesome. I enjoyed it immensely. It emphasizes the need to live your own story, to find your own way, and to be the best person to others that you can be. For every opportunity to share with another, is an opportunity to exchange soul prints, and to make a difference in someone's life. I give it two thumbs up.
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